In 2010, spectacular archaeological discoveries were made at the Iron Age ringfort of Sandby borg, Öland. In five different caches, large exquisite gilded silver brooches were found together with glass beads, finger rings and other exclusive jewellery items. Excavations initiated in 2011 soon led to the gruesome discovery that the ringfort has been the scene of a massacre, where a large number of people have been slain and left where they fell. This makes Sandby borg an exceptional archaeological site, providing us with a unique snapshot of the late 5th century on the island and the people that lived there. Follow us as we unfold the mystery of the massacre at Sandby borg, its inhabitants and their world.
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The Sandby Borg project is partly financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. This is a collaboration between Dept. of Museum Archaeology/Kalmar County Museum, The Linnéaus University and Stockholm University.
Frozen in Time
Histories of life and moments of death at Sandby borg
Funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, this collaborative project was carried out during the years 2016–2019. Headed by Kalmar County Museum and involving researchers from Linnaeus University and Stockholm University, the aim was to use excavation and scientific analysis to create a better understanding of what happened at the site, who the victims were and in what context the Sandby borg massacre should be understood. Excavations were performed within the project in 2016 and 2017, and various scientific analyses including stable isotopes, 14C-dating, plant macrofossils, osteology and aDNA have been performed. Some of the results have been published, more will come.